From top to bottom our soundmodifiers are;
- a Lexicon Reflex for the rooms and ambiences.
- A TC Electronic D-Two digital Delay, a perfect musical machine that syncs to midi clock and has wonderful direct access to any needed functions, perfect for real time live control.
- The Waves Maxxxbcl, this one consists of the combination of a Renaissance Compressor, MaxxBass and the L2 Ultramaximizer in one 2 unit Hardware box. This is our main mastering processor and it boosts our sounds to the extremes, it's really wonderful. The first track we actually mastered with this machine is Trance05 and can be found in our download/Play section. Next in line is the
- Aphex Aural Exciter type III model 250, to add in some highs and extra clarity to the sound, but it can do more then that alone. Then a
- Drawmer DL441, 4 channels of direct inserts to the Onyx with autocompression and at the bottom
- A Quadraverb II specially good for the more odd special effects and noises with it's building block architevture for layering effects.
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